Liebster Award

We were nominated for a Liebster Award.

liebster award

We  are thrilled and honored and will gladly pay it forward, but first we must thank our nominator Ana Lynn’s Blogging Adventures.  We appreciate you thinking of us.  Being a new blog we are excited to be included and considered for any award.

The rules for Liebster Award are as follows:

  • Each nominee must link back the person who nominated them.
  • Answer the 10 questions which are given to you by the nominator.
  • Nominate 10 other bloggers for this award who have less than 200 followers.
  • Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them 

Our nominations.


Our Answers:

  1. What is your favorite memory?  When I had been in Tanzania, East Africa so long that I was no long freaked out by the cockroaches.  ˝awww, look he is just trying to find his way out˝
  2. Name a song that describes you, or that you can relate to?  4 Non Blondes performing What’s Up
  3. If you could take just one book with you to a desert island, which book would you take, and why?  Suffer the Children by John Saul.  It is creepy and interesting.  I would have to wait a bit in between readings.  so it would keep me entertained for a very long time.   
  4.  List your biggest flaw and your best quality? Flaw: My need to “fix things”, sometimes I just can’t accept things as they are and leave them like that…there’s always something I try to do to make things “better”.    Best quality: I’d go with loyalty. 
  5. If you could travel back in time; which era would you chose and why? The Victorian era, I want to meet Jane Austen
  6. Imagine you could trade places with one person (living or dead, real or fictional, famous or not) for a whole day. Who would that person be and why? My Mother, the day I was born so I can understand her feelings in having her 5th child
  7. What is the one thing nobody knows about you?  That I want to learn to Juggle 
  8.  What is your worst fear? My worst fear is that something really bad is going to happen to my loved ones and I will not be able to help them or be there for them in any way they’d need me to.
  9. If they were to make a movie out of your life, who would play the leading role? Emma Stone, she played such a good role in “The Help”.
  10. What is that one dream you hope to make a reality?  Living in a little house with an ocean view, a cat (and maybe a dog too) playing in the yard…before retirement 😀
Questions For Our Nominees
1. What is a unfulfilled dream that you’re still hoping to achieve?
2. When was the last time you really did something for the first time?
3. What have you learned today?
4. What is the last book you read?
5. Have you ever taught someone something, if so what and to whom?
6. If you could learn one random skill, what would you learn?
7. Have you ever looked up your family tree, if so, anyone to brag about?
8. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be and why?
9. If you could read the diary of anyone living, dead or fictions who would you pick?
10. What do you do for fun, on a Wednesday night?

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